Your partner might decide to leave me, a day before we are due to go for a vacation together. The promotion you worked so hard for may go to someone else. Your best friend at work may turn out to be a power-hungry corporate animal that backstabs you at every opportunity. There will be times when things don't turn out the way you want them to.
It's something that you would have to throw away on your own. Happiness is not something that others can take from you. The only thing you can do is to stop allowing them to make dents in your spirit. You have to admit that there are too many things over which you have no control.

One of the best ways to happiness is to start your day with a balanced meal which includes protein and carbohydrates. For instance, if you are broke days before your pay day or your weekend getaway has been cancelled, don't fret. According to psychologists, the biggest difference between happy and unhappy people is that happy people think of solutions, not problems.
In other words, we can develop a sunnier disposition by changing our attitude and introducing certain activities or changes into out lives. Research has proved that, "happiness is like a cholesterol level- genetically influenced but also influenced by the things we do." Study shows that financial status, external circumstances and life events account for no more than 15 percent of our happiness quotient, thus the true way to happiness lies within us.
Sometimes, being satisfied with the food you eat helps in releasing stress and bad mood. Try to eat something when feeling bad. A trusted friend can help release your bad feelings by sharing those bad feelings with him. Release bad feelings.
Find someone to talk to. This way, things that might come on the way that can trigger bad mood can be reversed. Being aware of the things that trigger bad mood is a good habit. Appreciate Blessings. Here are some tips on finding happiness: A businessperson who has everything in the world may not be very happy. There are many ironic things in this world.
We want material comfort because we think that by obtaining these objects we will be happy. Do you know what is the art of happiness lies in us.