Awesome. It's junior's birthday, and you're planning on hosting a scavenger hunt for him and his friends. You Can Make Your Own There are many other ways you could go with this; the point is to keep it interesting, and have a good time! But it never gets as hot as a !" That would obviously be "candle", and you could hide the next clue next to the box of candles. Another birthday scavenger hunt rhyme that I've used is "When it's hot out, on your foot you might wear a sandal. But for a three to five-year-old child, I think it works.
Granted, if your son is seven years old, clues like that most likely aren't going to be all that difficult - maybe even a bit insulting! Put frosting on me; I'm called a !", they might get a kick out of it and learn something in the process. So if we start off with "I taste good on birthdays, and I'm something you bake. I guess the point of doing all of this for our kids isn't just to entertain them; it's to help them build creative-thinking skills and problem-solving skills.
I did the same thing last year for my daughter, and I'll share with you a couple of the clues I used, as well as a fun way to introduce this idea to the party. Maybe we can help! And you want them to at least give the impression of having a little creativity. But you need clues, and you're not sure where to begin, right?