If you want your invitation to look fun, make sure to include balloons, cakes, gift Even if you want your invitation to be made out in monochrome, the pictures and clipart that you use would help a lot in setting the mood for your invitation. The choice of graphics also matter. Light blue being the most dominant color in an invitation made out of pastel colors would still make for a great blue invitation. Light blue and white are easy colors to mix and they could create a comfortable, easy atmosphere.
Light-colored blue party invitations may still seem happy and light-hearted. Blue birthday invitations are no exception. If you're using a blue color for your decor, giveaways and even your icing, you should use a light and happy shade of it. There are many shades of blue, after all - light, dark, somber and vibrant.
Blue may be a sad color, but it doesn't have to be if you're going to use it as a birthday theme. Blue birthday invitations should be part of the planning stage. If your celebrant's favorite color happens to be blue, having a blue theme for your party and your invitations is bound to be a hit. Birthday parties that have a theme end up being more memorable than most - character birthday parties, retro birthday parties, candle parties, paintball parties, and color-themed birthday parties among them.
Birthday parties should be especially memorable, and representative of the celebrant's tastes and preferences. Parties are designed to be special - and if they're not, they should be!