To get started, here are a few ideas to include in each party bag: Barney whistles, a miniature plush Barney or Baby Bop. Barney and Baby Bop Party Favors: Your party favors should incorporate things that you did at the party, so be creative in your thinking. The kids will be thrilled to get to actually play out these games. A great idea is to use the games they play on the episodes. Watch a few episodes of Barney to see what games they play and mimic them in real life scenarios. After all, Barney is all about learning, growing, and sharing. Learning Games: If your child likes Barney, they probably also love to learn.
It will be enjoyable for them and also give you a little bit of extra preparation time. Barney Episodes: Get some Barney episodes, both old and new, to play at the party while you're getting other things set up or ready. The kids will absolutely love the bright colors and won't be able to wait to get started into this decked out party. Pick up purple, green, and yellow crepe paper streamers, balloons, hats, noise makers, party plates, cups, tablecloths, and even light bulbs. Purple, Green, and Yellow: An easy and cost effective way to decorate a Barney party is to think purple, green, and yellow everything.
Here are a few ideas to get your party started!Now that you've decided on doing a birthday party Barney style, what supplies should you get to make the party the most fun for the kids that will be coming? So when planning a birthday party, it won't limit your guests or their enjoyment of the party. One of the best things about Barney is that he is enjoyable for both boys and girls.