Décor & Centerpieces: Once again, perform a similar search as above using the singular term as well as the plural. When you find one (or several) that you like, print out the picture and take to your florist. You'll be amazed at how many gorgeous, yet different, wedding bouquet pictures are available. Now, in the search bar type in "Calla Lily Bouquet" and hit enter (also try "Calla Lilies Bouquet"). And if you are having a Calla Lily theme wedding than most likely another theme will be 'simply elegant'. Calla Lilies are one of the most elegant flowers; just pure and simple beauty.
The link for 'Images' is to the right of 'Web'. To find it simply go to the Google homepage (Google.com) and then look in the upper left corner of your browser window. If you haven't used this section of Google you are really missing out! Calla Lily Bouquet: For the next few categories I'm going to recommend turning to Google.com/Images for inspiration. A quick search on 'calla lily invitations' will give you many options and ideas.
Start with the Invitations: If you want to set the 'scene' for your wedding from the very beginning, choose or design an invitation that incorporates a calla lily (or lilies) on it. Read on for some wedding planning tips! You might be saying 'duh' to yourself but perhaps you aren't using it to its full ability. My favorite source for planning a themed party is to use Google for research. For a Calla Lily wedding the goal is to subtly incorporate calla lilies in all aspects of the wedding, although for the decorations allow simple yet stunning centerpieces speak for themselves.