This eventually leads to a confidence and ability to decorate even the most elaborate of wedding cakes. There are two ways to accomplish this goal, the first and most successful is to obtain professional qualifications. Buy It goes without saying there is no alternative for butter. It pays to use the best quality ingredients, customers eventually forget the price of the cake, but they always remember the taste. These are much easier to use than trying to cut shapes out from cake, as the result can be crumbs everywhere! Novelty tins can be hired.
Cheap tins tend to bend when full of mixture, and (as the metal is thin) cakes that take a long time to cook, can burn on the outside. A good investment is a large food mixer, and good quality baking tins. Displayed in an album (together with any certificates you have) they give potential customers confidence in your ability. If you can afford it, hire a professional photographer to photograph your cakes. In addition, the kitchen will need to be passed by an Inspector from the Environmental Health Service to ensure it passes strict hygiene rules.
This part-time course is available through local colleges. If working from home a Certificate in Food Hygiene is needed. And although you will never make a lot of money (no one seems to realise how long cake decorating takes) it gives valuable experience. The second way, and the path which most people follow, begins by making birthday cakes for children, which leads naturally to requests from family and friends.