Whoever discovers it When they're done, everyone comes back in the room, and tries to find it. Have everyone leave the room, while one person stays behind and hides a plastic bug. You could also try a game called 'hide the bug'. The closest one is the winner. Have the little bugs (children) pick up one antenna, and try to pin it on one of the ladybugs antennas, while blindfolded. Games: Everyone likes the traditional 'Pin The Tail On The Donkey' game, so why don't you change it to fit your theme? Then blow up black and red balloons for the kids to play with. After you've done this to each of them, the ceiling should look like a ring of twisted magnificence.
Twist them up, then tape the other end to the other side. Decorations: Take two or three rolls of party streamers (black and red of course) and tape each one to a different side of the room. Name the date, time, where, and ask them to dress up as either ladybugs, or their favorite bug! You then could staple, or glue some cute black or red buttons on them, or you could get scrap booking stickers and decorate the invitations with all sorts of bugs.
Purchase red construction paper, and draw big, black dots all over. Invitations: Invitations are so fun to be creative with! Here are some enjoyable, inexpensive ideas for games, treats, and prizes for a ladybug birthday. There are so many things that the little ladybugs could do! If you've watched as your little girl went outside to catch one, watched her go from plant to plant searching for a ladybug, or even simply saw her pretending to be a bug, it's time to give her one of her dreams. All children love birthday parties, and every little girl enjoys ladybugs!