You, Halloween, do you know that the second is America's largest commercial holiday? October 31, went to parties and eat candy, dress up in costumes of the day is now, and ancient tradition that began long before the invention of candy corn, and even Halloween costumes!Halloween is why it is called? The origin of Halloween There are many different thoughts, one thing that people do not agree about the horror is more than that harvested. The Celts, their late summer and long, dark, November 1 to celebrate the start of winter for a new anniversary, which is said to have started a tradition this year. Their Harvest Festival is from last winter, called Soin staged to protect themselves and their crops.
The name Halloween is a day four inches Boniface 1800s named Sun All Hallows or All Saints Day on November 1, but until then can not come, respect the people who died for the Christian faith was to. All Hallows Eve people that are too long, before you start to see the evening as before, and eventually Halloween. Why do we deceive treatment? In the early days of celebration every cent in England in the family will have a parade and festival. They have given the poor beg for soul cakes or food if they promise to pray for the dead relatives of the family. After a time, which is rewarded with food or money to visit their neighbors, "souling go" to itself, was the tradition of children.
What Halloween costume or is it? Hundreds of years, so it is wearing a mask when people left home to fool the ghosts thinking that it was spiritually they ghosts were believed to have roamed the streets of Halloween before. People also need to be placed to meet a ghost, a bowl of food outside the home and stop them from entering the house. Or a combination of tick-century clothes and to eat the cake that remains to wear a costume for fun kids today have to worry about ghosts treated everyone's sake, so that these two traditions passed! To more information about this you must log on to halloween cake decorating ideas 2010.
Old Irish my thricks while he is alive, you can enter heaven or hell for the fraud he had appeared in the old Irish mythology have called were not allowed. The devil, he is to be able to find their way in the dark, Jack Jack legendary gave Cub hollowing work glowing coal suggests that being moved from the earth until now that. Ireland named Jack was wandering ghosts lanterns jack-o'-lantern over time. Children in Scotland and Ireland are using it to ward off spirits, such as candles and jack re-create the Tobo and turnip lanterns. This tradition continued for many years until the European immigrants arrived in America, pumpkins are good for viewing the inside was soft and bright orange and much more. Cub has been abandoned today, to carve a Halloween pumpkin faces of people around the world.