If you would like to give Halloween revelers and the willies, you will have to plan for it. Can withdraw some of the ideas contained in this article was canceled at the last minute, but most days at least a few weeks or require advance planning. Must also note that safety comes first: There are a number of ideas that may not be appropriate for young children (bad dreams). If you know someone who faint of heart, you may want to give up the entire list with the exception Costume Party and the soundtrack, which is mild compared to others. A scarecrow to Live. You've probably heard of this one. It only works if a new idea in your area. In short, a person dresses a scarecrow to provide trick-or-treaters with special treatment. Construction of the first scarecrow and fake everything you have available, but keep in mind that the same clothes will fit a person living scarecrow. Use pumpkin jack lantern consume large enough to fit safely on a person's head (and potatoes or the old paper bag with eye holes also suffice; never use a plastic bag). Complete the outfit with an old hat, gloves, and so forth. If possible, grass, straw or dry out in different places in the Scarecrow costume will add to the effect. A few weeks or days before the festivity of All Saints, and support a scarecrow doll seat on the porch, swing or garden chair on the balcony of your home or other prominent place near your front door. The general idea is that your neighbors notice that in the days before Halloween Holiday. It also takes a scarecrow with fake glowing jack, lanterns, consume or other decorations for bringing attention to ensure Halloween scarecrow does not stand out much.
Gala night of All Saints, before dark, and a shift in the scarecrow with someone wearing the same clothes. The person should plan for the implementation of a routine process the file through to sit perfectly still until the trick-or-treaters arrive. At this point, all it takes is for the "scarecrow" to stand silently until the surprise for trick-or-treaters. The story of the ghost. And this one does not work well in concert dance gala all the saints, what you can not find a reason to stop the music. If you can create a dark environment to some extent, although one of the best ways is to give people chills to go around everyone and a workshop tells the story of a ghost. To get started, and do some research on the Internet Google "scary ghost stories," for example - and print a series of ghost stories and one call. Let everyone know before the party starts later in the evening - in the middle of the night everyone read their story to the party group. The ad can be edited and resettlement or add volatility of the story. Some people may just read from paper to paper. Others may be more innovative and take the story in a new direction. If you apply a haunted house and clean the windows (below) to the formula you could end up starting the event just creepy.
Haunted house. These should follow along the same ghost story above, but it requires more time and effort. Begin as soon as possible dressing your home with broken windows and shutters, and dark rooms, and more sheets of furniture, cobwebs and other props. Then dream up a story to tell your neighbors to go with the gag: "I think that my house is haunted" When people show for your party, and everyone knows what will come -! "House of horrors" it - but can be added to the chilling effect other tactics in this list. If you spend some time searching on the Internet, and there are many ways to create high-tech sounds, and "Paranormal" other activity, which when combined with the right timing can frighten a few of the guests. Costume Party 4. Fads and timing is the key to a successful Costume Party. Grants, and social issues and the media to be in the foreseeable future. But what about the subject of the current horror film? Is there anything specific can be executed from the movie last Halloween? Any newscasters who can be portrayed as good condition outside a bit (read: mental) because of a tendency to put their own news reports? Has anyone that has been made recently on the evening news with alien like the man who blew his top and his resignation from his job (this event will be remembered particularly well in the 2010s)? What about your character you have a favorite novel? If everyone dresses as scary clown from Stephen King, everything, there must be clowns to be a little nervous (there's nothing wrong with just a clown with a long finger nails or claws). window cleaner. Similar to the effect that the Scarecrow and the people, you can grab the fear perhaps scream or two - and at least one of partier if you stage a person staring at the window.
The person elected to stare in the framework of the right so as not to appear before another person inside the house or apartment and had directed its attention to the frame. At a minimum, the person under wear a face mask hockey goalie or a paper bag with eye holes (ie, plastic bags, remember). Use conversation and body language to direct the unsuspecting person while keeping them towards the window facing away from the window. Then use the same techniques to convert the person slowly towards the window so they could see on the road to excellence (and should be on the road to excellence and peaking through the window to see when standing directly in front of the window). If the vast majority of the pioneers of the party are on board with the joke, can be performed several times with a similar effect on the new people arriving. alien! This one might require a bit of exercise. In short, the scene of children re-create a stunning gala concert of the birth of "references" the movie "Alien" green sneaking past the alley. You will have to spend some time at the event by creating a conversation about landing "meteor" close earlier in the day. Talk about everything related to the film, but did not specify that the "alien" may be in the ocean. The use of body language and conversation mentioned to guide one or more towards the closet, the front door, back room or weather permitting - alley similar to those in the film. Where, of course, as "alien" (described below) is. All imp Green has done is to get out of the lobby, a room or just to be seen to sneak around, and your chosen guest naive to hope either "Boo" to you because it was a gag Jovi or may be afraid of their pants (not literally).